


ethnopsychologycurrent research

law and culture

the sensed

semiotic adventures

books and articles



Travelers in the Void between Cultures

The significance and work of cultural anthropology

with Drs. Mariska Stevens

news and events

1: Lyrics (English) of Jean Jaures by Jacques Brell

2: Preface

3: To the Listner

4: Linguistic Generalization

5: Abstracted Sense ot Sense Abstraction

6: Writing and Individual Body Perception

7: Two Conditions

8: Domination of Scientific Reference

9: Masses, Nothingness and Individual

10: A Non-conclusive Gain

11: To the hounorable Karl Popper

12: Dear Sir Karl

13: What is Objective Epistomology

14: Goethe versus Darwin

15: Children and Other Primitives

16: Scietific Society

17: Deductive Logic

18: Shamans of the Eternal World

19: Dear Carl Gustav

20 So How About the Physical Thing

21 And What About the Symbo

22: So, how about the inexpressaible

23:How Linguisitcs Lost Its Rudinmentary

24: Dear Ferdinand

25: Mystery

26:What of this Arbitraryness

27: The Origin of Language

28: Unity of the Sensorium

29: Hierarchy of Language































30: Originary Thinking

31: Rationalization

32:The destruction of the Poetic Sensitive

33: breathing Under Water

34: American Body Absenteism

35: Dear Edwards

36: Culture Not Rich Enough

37: Poetic Space

38: I Had My Choice When I Commenced

39: The Case of Ezra Pound

40: Harmony Sounds Like Music To Our Ears

41: To Roalnd Barthes

42: Very Dear Roland Barthes

43: That is a Matter of Pain

44: Doubt That Horryfying Means

45: The Metonymic Relation Btween Photography

46: Individual Expression and

47: To Jean Baudrillard

48: Jean

49: The Everlasting Manipulation

50: Emile Is An Autistic Child

51: The Profetic Dreams of Individuals

52: Letter to the Unknown Scientist

copyright 2020 mariska stevens